- If you find some error, please report
- Don`t reupload in others links. Use the original ones, respect our work.
- Don't use any of our work without permission
- How to add "cpk`s" on PTE Patch
Konami, PES Logos, danyy77, buffon99, klashman69, zlac, Jenkey, cabry, fruits, moody,
pesmonkey, -InMortal-, gabe.paul.logan, pimplo, donkscrispo, muske25, nemesisk, gasparzinho,
VinVanDam, Estarlen Silva, a7med sb, cRoNoSHaCk, barcafan, Tunizizou, ramy, Tasci, Cuky, Maritimo,
AMussolini, steadyontherem8, Wens, Tisera09, killer1896, SantyArgentina, Znovik_S, pantelg7, rednik,
Kairzhanov_21, spiritusanto, KOH, HD3011, Hawke, Andry_Dexter11, MarioMilan, smeagol75, starvin, juce,
NikoLiberty4, boonaun, Txak, Tizziano, TwistedLogic, basilhspa013, Kuzmich, GOALARG, Swoosh1968,
Bilgehan Alpaydin, Baris Yerlikaya, Killacarrillo, Shram, l4vezz1, oxarapesedit, vangheljs, AdrianMedina,
alexis2323, viper12, G-Style, Mo Ha, Jared_Zavala, maxi534
- Special thanks to Brezinho, Ginda, everst9, mckagan22 & PES Arabia
- Special thanks to A. Hernandez for the Argentinian and Chilean kit pack
- Special thanks to "TEAM PES MX" and their creators, Donaldo Medina, xDark Mauri15x, Mindmaster & UBarreras for the LIGA BBVA Bancomer. Follow the "TEAM PES MX" quality work on their facebook page: Team PES MX Facebook
PTE Patch 2016 - mota10 - andy18cruz - Jesus Hrs - stavrello7 - NemanjaBRE
- If you find some error, please report
- Don`t reupload in others links. Use the original ones, respect our work.
- Don't use any of our work without permission
- How to add "cpk`s" on PTE Patch
Konami, PES Logos, danyy77, buffon99, klashman69, zlac, Jenkey, cabry, fruits, moody,
pesmonkey, -InMortal-, gabe.paul.logan, pimplo, donkscrispo, muske25, nemesisk, gasparzinho,
VinVanDam, Estarlen Silva, a7med sb, cRoNoSHaCk, barcafan, Tunizizou, ramy, Tasci, Cuky, Maritimo,
AMussolini, steadyontherem8, Wens, Tisera09, killer1896, SantyArgentina, Znovik_S, pantelg7, rednik,
Kairzhanov_21, spiritusanto, KOH, HD3011, Hawke, Andry_Dexter11, MarioMilan, smeagol75, starvin, juce,
NikoLiberty4, boonaun, Txak, Tizziano, TwistedLogic, basilhspa013, Kuzmich, GOALARG, Swoosh1968,
Bilgehan Alpaydin, Baris Yerlikaya, Killacarrillo, Shram, l4vezz1, oxarapesedit, vangheljs, AdrianMedina,
alexis2323, viper12, G-Style, Mo Ha, Jared_Zavala, maxi534
- Special thanks to Brezinho, Ginda, everst9, mckagan22 & PES Arabia
- Special thanks to A. Hernandez for the Argentinian and Chilean kit pack
- Special thanks to "TEAM PES MX" and their creators, Donaldo Medina, xDark Mauri15x, Mindmaster & UBarreras for the LIGA BBVA Bancomer. Follow the "TEAM PES MX" quality work on their facebook page: Team PES MX Facebook
PTE Patch 2016 - mota10 - andy18cruz - Jesus Hrs - stavrello7 - NemanjaBRE