Wednesday, March 8, 2017

√ How To Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X

 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X

Before "Unlock Bootloader" on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, you should already know what "Bootloader" is, the term 'bootloader' is quite clear, it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything is as it should. More specifically, the bootloader looks for unofficial software made by the manufacturer or your operator has not been turned on. This is a very important part of the security of your mobile. That's what stops unapproved and potentially dangerous third-party software from carrying out real harm. This also stops you from doing all kinds of fun things, like rooting to install ad blockers, or flash special ROMs.

So there are some advantages and disadvantages that you can get when you have done "Unlock Bootloader" on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device. The advantages are:


By default, Android users are only permitted to use the "user" permission level, with the permissions level you can only do limited things. After you unlock the bootloader on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, then! You can do "Rooting", which is the term for the highest execution permissions (root) on Android. That way you can do anything you cannot do before.

Flash Custom Recovery

By unlocking the bootloader on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, it allows you to do Flashing Custom Recovery, such as TWRP or the like.

Flash Custom ROM

Yes! After unlocking the bootloader, you can easily replace the Stock ROM on your Xiaomi Mi 6X with the Custom ROM that you like.

Actually there is much more you can do after unlocking the bootloader of your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, even though you have to know the weaknesses after you unlock the bootloader on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device. The weaknesses are:

Vulnerable Devices Affected by Malware Attacks

Unlocking the bootloader on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, meaning you open a security door that has been locked, the door can be used by third-party software to take advantage of it.

Deleted Data

Before you do the Unlock Bootloader, first make sure your Data Backup is on the internal storage of your Xiaomi Mi 6X device because all the data on the internal storage will be erased.

Well, that's the strengths and weaknesses of unlocking Bootloader on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, make sure you accept all the risks that might occur on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device after unlocking the bootloader. If you decide to keep unlocking the bootloader on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, then! Follow step by step below:

Request Permission Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X

  • Before Unlocking Bootloader on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, the most important thing you have to have is the MIUI Account, usually, the average Xiaomi Mi 6X device user already has a MIUI account, but if you don't have it yet, you can register with the MIUI site by following step by step below:
Note: If you already have a MIUI account, you can skip this registration process.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
  • After that, click on the "Unlock Now" button, you will be taken to the MIUI entry page. There you will see text in Chinese, if you don't understand the language, you can replace it by clicking on the "English" text below the entry form. After that, there are now two choices for you, first choice! If you already have a MIUI account then you can go directly to the MIUI site to get the "MI Unlock" application, but if you don't have a MIUI Account, then click on "Create Account" under the entry form.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Sign In Form
  • After that, the registration form page will appear, there are two methods offered for you to register to the MIUI site, first is to use Email and the second is to use the Mobile Number. In this case register this time, will use Email, so make sure you already have an Email. Now select your country, then enter the email address into the available column, and then click on the "Create Mi Account" button.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Create Mi Account
  • After you click the button, you will be directed to the password creation page, type the Password 8-16 characters as you wish in the available column. Then don't forget to type the Captcha code, then click on the "Submit" button.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Create password Mi Account
  • One more step you have to do, is to open your Email, look in the inbox, there you will see a message from your device company.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Check Email
  • Check your email immediately, because the verification link is only active for 24 hours. Make sure you see the message as shown below. If you see it, then click on the "Active Account" button
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Active Account
  • After that, you will be directed to the MIUI site's entrance page, now enter the Email and Password that you registered earlier in the available column, then click the "Sign In" button and you will be taken to the NickName creation page, then enter the nickname you want in the available column.
  • If you have already entered the MIUI site, now, to d0wnl0ad the latest MiFlash-Unlock-Tool application, then visit the page, there you will take the "Download Mi Unlock" button, click on the button.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Download Mi Unlock
  • After you get the MiFlash-Unlock-Tool application, it is time for you to ask permission to  unlock bootloader" on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, the method starts by turning on the Developer Options mode on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device., go to "Settings" -> "My Device" -> "All Specs" tap on "MIUI Version" until you get the message "Now You Are Already a Developer".
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
  • After that go back to "Settings" -> "Mi Account" make sure you have used the Account to get it before. If you already use it on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, now go to "Addtional Settings" -> "Developer Options" turn on "OEM Unlocking" and "USB Debugging". If you haven't used your "Mi Account" on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device, then use it.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
  • Then go to "Mi Unlock Status" there. You will see the bootloader status of your Xiaomi Mi 6X device and make sure there you see your Xiaomi Mi 6X device locked, Note: if it is not locked it means you do not need to unlock the bootloader.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X

  • Now tap on the "Add Account And Device" button, so you will see a popup message "Successfully added. The Mi account is linked to this device now ". If you don't succeed in this step, you can use the OpenVPN application on PlayStore that is connected to the Chinese Server that you can get on the site, then tap the "Add Account And Device" button or with how to use the Developer Version Firmware. Previously, make sure you have entered your SIM card and connected to the internet because the request for bootloader unlock permission will be sent to the MIUI server for verification, the bootloader unlock request on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device will be processed 1 to 15 business days, after your request has been processed, you will be given confirmation via Account or SMS message to your Xiaomi Mi 6X device.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
SMS Confirmation

How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X Device

  • After waiting within the specified time period, now d0wnl0ad and install Xiaomi Mi 6X Android USB Driver and 15 Seconds ADB And Fastboot Installer on your computer to smooth the bootloader unlock process on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device.
  • Make sure your Xiaomi Mi 6X device has a battery of 30-50 percent, so as not to die while doing the bootlader unlock process, and also provide a USB cable.
  • Make sure your Xiaomi Mi 6X device is on and the USB Debugging Mode is also activated. If you have already done so, now connect the computer with your Xiaomi Mi 6X device using a USB cable.
  • Once connected, now open a Command Prompt on your computer, after the Command Prompt window appear, now type the command: adb devices
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X

(The command is used to check the devices connected to your computer)
  • If you already see your device is connected, now type the command: adb reboot bootloader
Note: How to enter Fastboot Mode on Xiaomi Mi 6X device can also be done manually without the need to connect it to a PC by pressing the "Volume Down + Power" button simultaneously until you see a fastboot logo.

 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X

(The command is used to switch your device into Fastboot Mode)
  • After that, to check if you are logged into Fastboot Mode, type the command: fastboot devices
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
  • If you've found your device in Fastboot Mode, now you can proceed to the next step.
  • Now open "Mi Flash Unlock Tool" on your computer, then you will see "Disclamer".
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
  • Click on the "I Agree".
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Mi Unlock Disclaimer
  • Now login with the same account as you go to the website page "Mi Unlock" was.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Mi Account Login Form
  • Now, if your device is connected to your computer, the "Unlock" will be active. If you are active you just click the button.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Connect Your Xiaomi Mi 6X Device
  • Once you click "Unlock anyway" button.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Click Unlock anyway button
  • Click "Unlock anyway" button.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Click Unlock anyway button
  • After that, wait for the process.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Unlock Bootloader Process
  • If you find the "Couldn't Unlock" message as shown below, it means that the waiting time for your permission is in process.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Couldn't unlock
  • After waiting for the request for permission to bootloader unlock 1 to 15 working days, now it is certain that you can Unlock the Bootloader smoothly.
 it is a aktivitas that loads when your cell phone boots and checks to make sure everything  √ How to Unlock Bootloader Xiaomi Mi 6X
Unlocked Successflly
  • After your Xiaomi Mi 6X device status Unlocked, now you can do flashing TWRP Recovery or perform Rooting on your Xiaomi Mi 6X device. 

