Monday, April 17, 2017

√ Download Soal Usbn Bahasa Inggris 2019 Pdf Doc

Download Soal USBN Bahasa Inggris 2019 PDF DOC – Alhamdulillah, pelaksanaan USBN 2019 mapel Bahasa Inggris sudah selesai. Semoga murid-murid yang telah mencar ilmu mendapat nilai yang terbaik dan lulus Sekolah Menengan Atas 2018/2019. USBN ialah Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional. Berstandar nasional disini alasannya ialah soal yang dipakai 25% dari pemerintah dan 75% dari guru masing-masing sekolah.

Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris USBN 2019 PDF DOC

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Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris USBN 2019 PDF DOC

Australia Offers Aid to Tackle Fires

CANBERRA. As a neighboring country, Australia offers to help Indonesia to prevent severe bushfires in some parts of Indonesia. Australia has skillful firefighters squads to handle bushfires because it also happens regularly in Australia.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said, “Australia has several L 100 aircraft that are especially designed to extinguish bushfires in large areas. They are ready to fly to Sumatra or Borneo.” As reported, the bushfires in Sumatra and Borneo have caused hazardous air pollution in some provinces. Our neighboring countries, Singapore and Malaysia, are also affected. A report said that 135,000 people had suffered from respiratory infections (ISPA). Many people are worried that the fires are getting worse because the long dry season in most parts of Indonesia.

Julie added that Australia was offering the help to show its solidarity with Indonesia. So far, five countries have offered their help to Indonesia, namely Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Russia.

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What does the text talk about?

A. The help from Australia

B. The Indonesian aid

C. The firefighters

D. The neighboring countries

E. The severe bushfire

Download PDF DOC – Soal USBN Bahasa Inggris 2019 Nomor 2

Why does Australia offer a help to Indonesia?

A. The countries are close to each other

B. Australia has skillfull squad

C. The firefighters are ready

D. Their equipments are good

E. They have the similar problem

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What country have offered to help Indonesia?

A. New Guinea

B. England

C. Japan

D. France

E. Singapore

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The word “extinguish” is similar in meaning with…

A. Support

B. Enlarge

C. Eliminate

D. Thicken

E. Worsen

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Soal Bahasa Inggris USBN 2019 Jawa Tengah

Soal Anchor USBN 2019

Untuk Soal dan Kunci Jawaban USBN 2019 secara lengkap (mapel lain), klik disini

Soal USBN 2019 Kimia, Soal USBN 2019 Fisika, Soal USBN 2019 Biologi, Soal USBN 2019 Matematika, Soal USBN 2019 PPKn, Soal USBN 2019 Ekonomi, Soal USBN 2019 Sejarah, Soal USBN 2019 Geografi, Soal USBN 2019 Sosiologi, Soal USBN 2019 Bahasa Indonesia, Soal USBN 2019 Bahasa Inggris, Soal USBN 2019 PKWu, Soal USBN 2019 SBK.

Demikian tadi kumpulan soal-soal USBN 2019 semua mata pelajaran. Semoga bermanfaat sebagai materi latihan untuk ujian atau tes baik Penilaian Harian (PH), Tengah Semester (PTS), Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Akhir Tahun (PAT).

INGAT!!! Link menyala jikalau sudah simpulan USBN 2019 seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris USBN 2019 PDF DOC


