- includes konami PD2
- optional offline patch 1.03
- includes winter transfers
- all teams have correct names, logos and managers
- all teams have correct stadium names
- correct players names for all teams
- removed fake and doubled players
- correct team squads
- added new leagues
- added new teams and nationals
- added new players
- add real kits for all teams and referees
- updated boots
- updated gloves
- updated balls
- a lot of updates and enhancements
Konami DP and patch 1.03:
smoke patch includes by default all konami DP (DLC), also we added optional exe 1.03, we always build on the latest konami DP so the patch will always be fully compatible.
Winter transfers:
major transfers has been made in this winter transfer window, all transfers are made, some players are not found in smoke database so they are not added but will be added later, if we miss any transfers we will correct and include in future updates.
Teams and Players:
we always add teams and clubs to smoke patch, so far the teams added in smoke patch x version is listed in TEAMS 2018, also you can see the video of the teams and squads added to the patch in insmoke patch YOUTUBE video.
participate in the polls we make periodically at the website to determined priorities for the teams and leagues to add in future versions.
players ID for smoke patch can be found in the patch DATABASE.
all fake leagues are replaced with real leagues
- Asia fake league: CSL league
- Europe fake league: Bundesliga
- America fake league: Liga Aguila
all leagues are licenced, in future updates we might create more optional leagues.
- Extract patch files
d0wnl0ad all parts and be sure all are completed, extract only part one the rest will be extracted automatically, don't move any of the installation files or folders.
- Run SetupsmokeX16.exe
run the installer and choose PES 2018 installation folder, the patch must be installed in the same game folder, be sure you don't get errors and that the installer finished successfully.
Homepage : http://www.pessmokepatch.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pessmokepatch
Changelog : http://www.pessmokepatch.com/p/change-log.html
Link Download :
Sumber http://informasigameindo11.blogspot.com