English Tenses
Tenses bahasa Inggris yaitu perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan sifat kejadian. Semua kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lepas dari tenses alasannya yaitu semua kalimat niscaya ada hubungannya dengan waktu dan sifat kejadiannya.
Contoh Tenses Bahasa Inggris
Berikut yaitu tumpuan 12 tenses bahasa Inggris:
- Simple Present: He sings.
- Present Perfect: He has sung.
- Present Continuous: He is singing.
- Present Perfect Continuous: He has been singing.
- Simple Past: He sang.
- Past Perfect: He had sung.
- Past Continuous: He was singing.
- Past Perfect Continuous: He had been singing.
- Simple Future: He will sing.
- Future Continuous: He will be singing.
- Future Perfect: He will have sung.
- Future Perfect Continuous: He will have been singing.
Rumus Tenses Bahasa Inggris
1. Rumus Present tense
Positif : S + V1 (s/es)
Negatif: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
Tanya : DO/DOES + S + V1
Contoh Kalimat
(+) You study English at John’s place everyday.
(-) You don’t study English at John’s plac everyday.
(?) Do you study English at John’s plac everyday?
Dalam bahasa Inggris Present Tense atau Simple Present Tense dipakai untuk menyatakan insiden atau kejadian, kegiatan, acara dan sebagainya yang terjadi ketika ini. Present Tense juga dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu Fakta, atau sesuatu yang tejadi berulang-ulang dimasa sekarang.
2. Rumus Past Tense
Positif : S + V2
Negatif: S + did not + V1
Tanya : Did + S + V1
Contoh kalimat :
(+) I launched this blog on august 2012
(-) I didn’t launch this blog on august 2012
(?) did you launch this blog on august 2012?
Inti dari Past Tense yaitu untuk menyatakan insiden yang telah “Lampau”, pokoknya sudah berlalu, sudah lewat. Itulah penekanannya. Mungkin kemarin, satu jam lalu, 2 tahun lalu, 2 kala yang lalu, dan sebagainya. Semua itu sudah “Past”. Setelah membaca uraian ini Anda niscaya paham lebih dalam.
3. Rumus Future tense
Positif : S + will + V1
Negatif: S + will + not + V1
Tanya : Will + S + V1
Contoh kalimat :
(+) You will eat
(-) you will not eat
(?) will you eat?
Future Tense atau Simple Future dipakai untuk menyatakan insiden yang Akan Terjadi. Future tense yaitu perihal Nanti. Sesuatu arti katanyaFuture yaitu “Masa Depan”. Karena itu dalam Future Tense penggunaan kata Will, Shall yang artinya akan pastilah mendominasi.
Setiap Future niscaya pakai WILL atau SHALL, artinya AKAN. Namun ada juga yang namanya Past Future Tense nanti. Karena Past maka Will dan Shall nya pakai past juga yaitu “Would”, nanti kita pelajari lebih dalam di Past Future Tense. Oh ya, sehabis Will atau Shall atau Would pasilah diikuti bentuk 1 baik itu kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu.
Shall jarang digunakan. Bisanya Shall untuk Subject I dan We (I shall…, We shall….) dan tidak untuk yang lain. Tetapi lebih sering orang pakai I will.. dan We will.. Kaprikornus untuk I dan We boleh pakai baik will atau shall. Sedangkan Subject yang lain menyerupai HE, SHE, IT, YOU, THEY, WE semuanya pakai Will.
4. Rumus Present contiuos tense
Positif : S + Tobe + Ving
Negatif: S + Tobe+ Not+ Ving
Tanya : Tobe + S + Ving
Contoh kalimat :
(+) you are reading my article at present
(-) you aren’t reading my article at present
(?) are you reading my article at present?
Present Continuous Tense dipakai untuk menyatakan, suatu yang sedang terjadi ketika ini, sedang berlangsung ketika ini. Misalnya: Saya sedang menulis sekarang, Present Continuous Tense ini dipakai kalau kita menekankan pada “Sekarang” nya itu.
5. Past continuous tense
Positif: S + was/were + Ving
Negatif: S + was/were + NOT + Ving
Tanya: Was/Were + S + Ving
Contoh kalimat
(+) I was sleeping when my friend come to my house yesterday
(-) I was not sleeping when my friend come to my house
(?) was you sleeping when my friend come to my house?
Past Continuous Tense dipakai untuk menyatakan insiden yang SEDANG TERJADI juga, tetapi sedang terjadi sekarang, melainkan sedang terjadi tetapi DULU, tetapi sudah lewat.
Seperti arti katanya, Past berarti “sudah lewat”, sedangkan Continuous artinya “sedang”.Jadi, Past Continuous Tense ini menyerupai rumusnya dengan Present Continuous Tense, bedanya di TOBE nya yang menjadi bentuk kedua. Ingat-ingat perubahan dan pasangan TO BE nya ya.
Tobe: is, am bermetamorfosis WAS
Tobe: are berubah menajdi WERE
I, She, He, It, John, Merry pasangannya yaitu WAS
We, They, John and Merry pasangannya yaitu WERE.
6. Rumus Future continuous tense
Rumus Future Continuous Tense
Positif: S + will + be + Ving
Negatif: S + will not + be + Ving
Tanya: Will + S + be + Ving
Contoh kalimat
(+) she will be learning music rock
(-) she will not be learning music rock
(?) will she be learning music rock?
Tense ini berbicara perihal suatu insiden yang “Sedang Terjadi” juga sebagaimana Present Continuous Tense, tetapi bedanya dalam Future Continuous Tense maka “Sedang” nya itu bukan kini melainkan besok, akan datang, nanti.
Tenses Bahasa Inggris yang mengandung kata “Continuous” maka selalu pakai kata kerjabentuk ING, Verb + Ing. Setiap kata kerja atau kata kerja bantu yang mengikuti WILL niscaya bentuk-1. Dan setiap ada to be, baik itu be itu sendiri atau am, is, are, was, were, been maka kata kerjanya niscaya pakai ING.
7. Present perfect tense
Positif : S + have/has + V3
Negatif: S + have/sas Not + V3
Tanya : Have/has + S + V3
Contoh Present Perfect Tense
(+) : She has gone (Dia gres saja pergi)
(-) : She has not gone
(?) : Has She gone?
Jika dalam Present Tense penekananya pada fakta, insiden berulang-ulang atau yang menjadi kebiasaan, dan Present Continuous Tense menekankan pada “sedang” terjadi, maka..
Present Perfect Tense menekankan pada PERFECT nya itu. Perfect kan artinya “sempurna”. Jadi, kalau Anda menekankan pada “SUDAH” nya itu maka gunakanlah Present Perfect Tense ini. Contoh yang paling mengena misalnya: Dia gres saja pergi (She has just gone).
8. Past perfect tense
Positif : S + had + V3
Negatif: S + had + not + V3
Tanya : Had + S + V3
Contoh kalimat :
(+) I had gone when he arrived at my home
(-) I hadn’t gone when he arrived
(?) had you gone when he arrived?
PRESENT Perfect Tense mengenai suatu insiden atau insiden yang selesai (sempurna, perfect) ketika ini, contohnya: She has just gone (Dia gres saja pergi). Disini Past Perfect Tense yaitu bentuk lampau (Past) dari Present Perfect Tense itu, makanya disebut Past Perfect Tense, sama-sama Perfectnya jadi Present Perfect Tense memakai rumus S + Have/has + V3 maka Past Perfect Tense memakai bentuk lampau dari Has/has yaitu “Had”.
Past Perfect Tense sering dipakai dengan memakai kalimat lain yang berbentuk lampau (Past Tense) yang dihubungan dengan kata sambung menyerupai When (ketika), After (setelah) untuk menekankan bahwa Perfectnya (Sudahnya) itu yaitu di masa lampau.
9. Future perfect tense
Positif : S + will + have + V3
Negatif: S + will + not + have + V3
Tanya : Will + S + have + V3
Contoh kalimat
(+) I will have swum at 11 tomorrow
(-) I will not have swom at 11 tomorrow
(?) will you have swom at 11 tomorrow?
Future Perfect Tense dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang “Sudah terjadi, tetapi AKAN”.
10. Past perfect continuos tense
Positif : S + had + been + Ving
Negatif: S + had + not + been + Ving
Tanya : Had + S + been + Ving
Contoh kalimat
(+) : They had been playing football
(-) : they had not been playing football
(?) : had they been playing football?
Past Perfect Continuous Tense dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Grammar dipakai untuk menyatakan hal atau insiden yang sesuatu yang TELAH dan SEDANG terjadi dimasa LAMPAU.
11. Future perfect continuos tense
Rumus Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Positif : S + will + have + been + Ving
Negatif: S + will + not + have + been + Ving
Tanya : Will + S + have + been + Ving
Contoh kalimat
(+) : you will have been working
(-) : you will not have been working
(?) : will you have been working ?
12. Present perpect continuos tense
Positif : S + have/has + been + Ving
Negatif: S + have/has + not + been + Ving
Tanya : Have/has + S + been + Ving
Contoh kalimat :
(+) : she has been learning English for 3 years
(-) : she has not been learning English for 3 years
(?) : has she been learning English for 3 years
Tenses Present Prefect Continuous dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian, insiden atau apalah namanya, yang SUDAH terjadi dan MASIH berlangsung bahkan sangat mungkin AKAN berlanjut. Dari dulu sampai kini bahkan nanti

Tenses bahasa Inggris yaitu perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan sifat kejadian. Semua kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lepas dari tenses alasannya yaitu semua kalimat niscaya ada hubungannya dengan waktu dan sifat kejadiannya.
Penjelasan resent, Past, Future Tenses dan Conditional
1. Present Tenses
– Simple present tense
Jenis tentes ini dipakai untuk menunjukkan kebiasaan, fakta dan insiden yang terjadi pada masa sekarang.
Penggunaan Present Tenses
Contoh kalimat:
I study for two hours every night
The center of our solar system is sun
Kejadian pada masa sekarang
I need some money right now
– Present Continuous tense
Tenses ini dipakai untuk mengambarkan insiden yang terjadi kini atau juga planning di masa depan. Karena sanggup dipakai pada waktu kini dan masa depan maka seringkali diikuti oleh adverb of time.
Penggunaan Present Continues Tenses
Contoh kalimat:
Berlangsung sekarang
Tom is driving his new red car
– Present Perfect tense
Suatu tense yang dipakai untuk menyatakan insiden yang telah dimulai pada suatu titik dan berlangsung sampai sekarang.
Pengunaan Present Perfect tense
Contoh kalimat:
Kejadian masa lalu
I have read the book
– Present Perfect Continuous tense
Tense ini dipakai untuk bentuk kata kerja yang dimulai pada masa kemudian dan terus berlanjut.
Penggunaan Present Perfect Continues
Contoh kalimat:
Kejadian yang sudah selesai namun mempunyai kekerabatan dengan sekarang
I have been writing with my computer all night long.
2. Past Tenses
– Simple Past tense
Untuk menunjukkan insiden pada masa lalu, dengan santunan adverb of time menyerupai yesterday, last two days, last year dan lain-lain.
Penggunaan Past Tense
Contoh kalimat:
Aksi di masa kemudian dengan durasi tertentu
Tony went to the library three days ago.
Kebiasaan pada masa lalu
I often went to campus when i lived in Jogja
– Past Continuous tense
Tenses ini dipakai untuk menyatakan bahwa ada kegiatan yang terjadi di masa kemudian dan belum selesai.
Penggunaan Past Continues Tense
Contoh kalimat:
Suatu agresi yang terjadi di masa lalu
I was riding bicycle
– Past Perfect Tense
Tense yang dipakai untuk menyatakan insiden yang sudah terjadi dan juga sudah selesai pada masa lalu. Contoh: Jessy had been singing
– Past Perfect Continuous tense
Untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu agresi telah selesai sebelum insiden yang lainnya terjadi. Contoh: My brother had slept before father came home.
3. (Present) Future Tenses
– (Present) Simple Future tense
Untuk menyatakan insiden di masa depan, baik secara terjadwal (be going) atau secara impulsif (will).
Contoh: I will go to Jakarta atau I am going to Jakarta and it is my ticket.
– (Present) Future Continuous tense
Untuk menyatakan insiden yang akan berlangsung di masa depan.
Contoh: I will be shopping in Paris
– (Present) Future Perfect tense
Untuk menyatakan insiden yang akan telah selesai pada masa depan.
Contoh: The bos will have eat at 11 am.
– (Present) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu insiden dimasa depan akan telah berlangsung.
Contoh: The bos will have been playing golf for 2 hours
4. Conditional / Past Future Tense
– (Simple) Conditional / Past Future tense
Tenses ini dipakai untuk menyatakan probabilitas. Contoh: if I found his wallet, I would give it back to him
– Conditional / Past Future Continuous tense
Tenses ini dipakai untuk menyatakan kemungkinan yang akan dilakukan melalui sebuah proses. Contoh: If I could go home, I am staying with my wife.
– Conditional / Past Future Perfect tense
Tenses ini dipakai untuk menyatakan kemungkinan yang akan telah dilakukan oleh subyek. Contoh: if I could fly, I had crossed the sea.
– Conditional / Past Future Perfect Continuous tense
Tenses terakhir dari 16 tenses bahasa inggris ini dipakai untuk menyatakan kemungkinan yang akan telah dilakukan untuk beberapa saat. Contoh: if you studied hard, you had been controlling the world.
Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Tenses Bahasa Inggris
1. The old women had brought many apples. (ubah ke present perfect tense)
a. The old women has brought many apples.
b. The old women have brought many apples.
Jawaban: B. Rumus yang dipakai present perfect tense yaitu S + Have/has + Verb3. Penggunaan have atau has tergantung dengan subjeknya, dan subjek the old women memakai have alasannya yaitu subjek jamak (tunggalnya the old woman)
2. John’s teeth were better. (ubah ke future perfect tense)
a. John’s teeth will have been better.
b. John’s teeth will have be better.
Jawaban: A. Rumus yang dipakai dalam future perfet tense yaitu S + Will + Have + Verb3. Been yaitu verb3 dari be, jadi yang dipakai yaitu been, bukan be.
3. After graduating, Michelle will found an English course. (ubah ke past future perfect tense)
a. After graduating, Michelle will have founded an English course.
b. After graduating, Michelle would have founded an English course.
Jawaban: B. Rumus yang dipakai yaitu S + Would/should + Have + Verb3, jadi disini will tidak digunakan.
4. The geese swam in the river. (ubah ke present perfect continuous tense)
a. The geese have been swimming in the river.
b. The geese has been swimming in the river.
Jawaban: A. Rumus yang dipakai yaitu S + Have/has + Been + Verb.ing. Dan subjek the geese memakai have.
5. Mathematics will be the most difficult subject. (ubah ke simple present tense)
a. Mathematics are the most difficult subject.
b. Mathematics is the most difficult subject.
Jawaban: B. Subjek mathematics (tunggal, walau terdapat akhiran s alasannya yaitu pada umumnya nama pelajaran terdapat pelengkap s) dan tentu saja memakai is.
6. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Use ‘she said’ at the beginning of each answer. It’s the same day, so you don’t need to change the time expressions.
1) “I won’t see you tomorrow.”
Jawaban: She said that she wouldn’t see me tomorrow.
2) “We went out last night.”
Jawaban: She said that they had gone out last night.
3) “I’m coming!”
Jawaban: She said that she was coming.
4) “I was waiting for the bus when he arrived.”
Jawaban: She said that she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived.
5) “I’d never been there before.”
Jawaban: She said that she had never been there before.
6) “I didn’t go to the party.”
Jawaban: She said that she hadn’t gone to the party.
7) “Lucy will come later.”
Jawaban: She said that Lucy would come later.
8) “He hasn’t eaten breakfast.”
Jawaban: She said that he hadn’t eaten breakfast.
9) “I can help you tomorrow.”
Jawaban: She said that she could help me tomorrow.
10) “You should go to bed early.”
Jawaban: She said that I should go to bed early.
11) “I don’t like chocolate.”
Jawaban: She said that she didn’t like chocolate.
12) “He works in a store.”
Jawaban: She said that he worked in a store.
13) “She’s living in New York for a few months.”
Jawaban: She said that she was living in New York for a few months.
14) “I visited my parents at the weekend.”
Jawaban: She said that she had visited her parents at the weekend.
15) “She hasn’t eaten sushi before.”
Jawaban: She said that she hadn’t eaten sushi before.
16) “I hadn’t travelled by underground before I came to London.”
Jawaban: She said that she hadn’t travelled by underground before she came to London.
17) “They would help if they could.”
Jawaban: She said that they would help if they could.
18) “I’ll do the washing-up later.”
Jawaban: She said that she would do the washing-up later.
19) “He could read when he was three.”
Jawaban: She said that he could read when he was three.
20) “I was sleeping when Julie called.”
Jawaban: She said that she had been sleeping when Julie called.
7. Future Perfect Continuous Mixed Exercise
Make the future perfect continuous. Choose the positive, negative or question form.
1) She _________ (not / do) much work, so he’ll be happy to start a new project.
Jawaban: won’t have been doing
2) How long _________ (you / wait) when you finally get your exam results?
Jawaban: will you have been waiting
3) Julie _________ (not / eat) much, so we’ll need to make sure she has a good meal when she arrives.
Jawaban: won’t have been eating
4) How long _________ (she / plan) to move house when she finally moves?
Jawaban: will she have been planning
5) _________ (she / wait) long by the time we get there?
Jawaban: Will she have been waiting
6) _________ (he / play) computer games for ten hours when he finally stops?
Jawaban: Will he have been playing
7) They _________ (study) all day, so they’ll want to go out in the evening.
Jawaban: ‘ll have been studying
8) They _________ (not / stay) in the hotel for long when she arrives.
Jawaban: won’t have been staying
9) I _________ (not / walk) when I meet you – I’ll have been cycling.
Jawaban: won’t have been walking
10) She _________ (play) squash, so she won’t be dressed up.
Jawaban: ‘ll have been playing
11) We _________ (look) at houses for four months next Tuesday.
Jawaban: ‘ll have been looking
12) We _________ (not / do)this project for long when the inspector arrives.
Jawaban: won’t have been doing
13) How long _________ (you / work) on this project when it is finished?
Jawaban: will you have been working
14) _________ (you / buy) clothes when I see you?
Jawaban: Will you have been buying
15) I _________ (work) all weekend so I won’t be energetic on Sunday night.
Jawaban: ‘ll have been working
16) How long _________ (the children / sleep) in the living room when their new bedroom is ready?
Jawaban: will the children have been sleeping
17) How long _________ (he / train) when he enters the competition?
Jawaban: will he have been training
18) _________ (you / take) exams the day we meet?
Jawaban: Will you have been taking
19) I _________ (answer) students’ questions all morning, so I’ll want a quiet lunch.
Jawaban: ‘ll have been answering\will have been answering
20) _________ (they / travel) for long when they arrive?
Jawaban: Will they have been travelling
8. Passive 5 (mixed tenses)
Change these active sentences to passive. Choose if you need the agent or not.
1) The Government is planning a new road near my house.
Jawaban: A new road is being planned near my house
2) My grandfather built this house in 1943.
Jawaban: This house was built in 1943 by my grandfather
3) Picasso was painting Guernica at that time.
Jawaban: Guernica was being painted at that time by Picasso
4) The cleaner has cleaned the office.
Jawaban: The office has been cleaned
5) He had written three books before 2019.
Jawaban: Three books had been written before 2019
6) Jessica will tell you later.
Jawaban: You will be told later by Jessica
7) By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.
Jawaban: By this time tomorrow the deal will have been signed
8) Somebody should do the work.
Jawaban: The work should be done
9) The traffic might have delayed Steven.
Jawaban: Steven might have been delayed by the traffic
10) People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
Jawaban: Portuguese is spoken in Brazil
11) Everybody loves Mr Brown.
Jawaban: Mr Brown is loved by everybody
12) They are building a new stadium near the station.
Jawaban: A new stadium is being built near the station
13) The wolf ate the princess.
Jawaban: The princess was eaten by the wolf
14) At seven o’clock someone was telling a story.
Jawaban: At seven o’clock a story was being told
15) Somebody has drunk all the milk!
Jawaban: All the milk has been drunk
16) I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.
Jawaban: All the windows had been cleaned before the storm
17) A workman will repair the computer tomorrow.
Jawaban: The computer will be repaired tomorrow
18) By next year the students will have studied the passive.
Jawaban: By next year the passive will have been studied by the students
19) Donna might cook dinner.
Jawaban: Dinner might be cooked by Donna
20) Somebody must have taken my wallet.
Jawaban: My wallet must have been taken
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