Good Morning, ladies and gentleman.
First of all, as a believer in Allah SWT, let us thank and praise to Allah SWT. Because of His bless and mercy, we can gather here in a good and healthy condition in Muhadarah Class that we always hold every Saturday.
Second, let us greet and pray to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has been being a role model for us to living in a daily life.
Honorable Mr/Mrs/Ms ______________ as our beloved homeroom teacher,
Honorable Mr/Mrs/Ms _________________ as our mentor in this Muhadarah Class.
And my beloved friends, may Allah SWT always bless us all. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am ______________ as a Master of Ceremony will read the schedule of our event today.
The first, the opening
The second, the recitation of Al Alquran verses and its translation
The third, the recitation of Al Hadits and its translation.
The forth, the delivering of Bahasa Indonesia, English and Arabic Speeches.
The fifth, the recitation of pray.
The sixth, the closing.
Ladies and Gentleman,
1. In order to have a blessing from Allah SWT, we’d better start this event by saying Basmalah.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
2. Ladies and gentleman, to have a peace of heart let’s listen to the recitation of Alquran and its translation. They will be recited by ______________ and _______________.
After the recitation of Alquran and its translation, may Allah bless us with His mercy and we get the favor from Him.
3. Third session is the recitation of Hadits and its translation. Let us listen to a hadits and its translation recited by _______________ and _________________
Ladies and gentleman, that’s a recitation of Hadits and its translation to guide us in living the daily life.
4. For the main sesion, we are going to listen to three speeches with different languages. They are Arabic Speech delivered by ____________, English Speech delivered by _____________ and the last, Indonesia speech deilvered by ______________. Fot the names that I mention, please do in turns.
Ladies and gentleman, those are all speeches that we have listened to. May we have a new knowledge and we can apply it in the daily life.
5. Before we end this activity, let us start this by praying first, so the event that we have held on this day give us the benefit and mercy from Allah Swt. The recitation of pray will be lead by _______________
6. Ladies and gentlemen, finally we get to the last session in this event that is closing. Let’s close this event by saying Hamdallah.
As the master of ceremony, thanks to to Mr./Mrs./Ms. _______________ as our mentor, Mr/Mrs/Ms. _______________ as our homeroom teachers, the officers of Muhadarah, and the audience entirely. May what we had conducted will be useful for us.
Ladies and gentlemen.
If in guiding this event I made mistakes or offend someone here, please forgive me.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
English | Bahasa | English | Bahasa | English | Bahasa |
First | Pertama | greet | Salam | Recitation | Pembacaan |
Believer | Orang Beriman | pray | Doa | Translation | Terjemahan |
Praise | Memuji | Honorable | Yang terhormat | Deliver | Menyampaikan |
Bless | Berkah | homeroom teacher | Wali Kelas | speech. | Pidato |
Mercy | Rahmat | mentor | Pembimbing | In order to | Agar |
gather | Berkumpul | Master of Ceremony | Pembawa Acara | Guide | Membimbing |
hold | Melaksanakan | Event | Kegiatan | mention | Menyebut |
English | Bahasa | English | Bahasa |
do in turns. | Bergiliran | Close | Menutup |
Knowledge | Pengetahuan | Officers | Petugas |
apply | Menerapkan | audience | Hadirin |
daily life. | Kehidupan Sehari hari | entire | Seluruh |
Give | Memberikan | conduct | Melaksanakan |
Benefit | Manfaat | useful | Berguna |
Lead | Memimpin | mistakes | Kesalahan |