Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
إِنَّ الْحَمْدَ لِلَّهِ نَحْمَدُهُ وَنَسْتَعِيْنُهُ وَنَسْتَغْفِرُهْ وَنَسْتَهْدِيْهِ وَنَعُوذُ بِاللهِ مِنْ شُرُوْرِ أَنْفُسِنَا وَمِنْ سَيِّئَاتِ أَعْمَالِنَا، مَنْ يَهْدِهِ اللهُ فَلاَ مُضِلَّ لَهُ وَمَنْ يُضْلِلْ فَلاَ هَادِيَ لَهُ. أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُوْلُهُ.
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وَبَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَمَنِ اهْتَدَى بِهُدَاهُ إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ. أَمَّا بَعْدُ
Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and ask for His help, forgiveness, and guidance. We take refuge in God from the evil of ourselves and the evil of our charity. Whoever gets from Allah's guidance will not lead him astray, and he who goes astray, there is no guide for him. I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. O Allah, may prayer and salvation be given to Muhammad and his family, and friends and anyone who gets clues until the Day of Judgment
Honourable, our Muhadarah's mentor Mr / Ms ________________ and our beloved homeroom Mr/Mrs / Ms ______________ and all my lovely friends.
As beings who believe in the Almighty God, let us always be grateful for the gift that God has given us so that we can gather here to carry out Muhadarah Activities in this _____ class that we love.
Prayers accompanied by greetings, let us deliver to our role model, our leader, our great prophet, the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because of the blessing of his struggle, Islam can reach our country and we can become a part of his people.
On this occasion, I will deliver a speech entitled The invasion of thought. The crusade in the sense of physical warfare might have ended. However, one thing that must be realized by Muslims, war that is non-physical in nature is still ongoing today. This war was then called al-ghazwul fikri.
In language, ghazwul fikri consists of two syllables namely ghazwah and fikr. Ghazwah means attack or invasion. While fikr means thinking. So, in language ghazwul fikri is interpreted as invasion of thought.
That said, the person who first realized the importance of the new method in conquering Islam was King Louis IX. After being held captive by Muslim forces at Al-Manshuriyah Egypt, he wrote in his memoir: "After a long journey, everything became clear to us. The destruction of the Muslims by conventional means (physical war) is impossible. Because they have a clear and firm method above the concept of jihad fii sabilillah. With this method, they have never experienced military defeat. "He continued:" The West must take another road (not military). That is the path of ideology by uprooting the teachings and emptying them of strength and courage. The trick is none other than by destroying the basic concepts of Islam with various interpretations and doubts. "
In the article entitled: "Modern Crusade Series # 3: Crusades, Really?" It is mentioned that King Louis IX said: "It is impossible to achieve victory over Muslims through war. We will only be able to defeat them, in the following ways:
(a) cause division among Muslim leaders. If it has happened, expand the space so that this dispute becomes a debilitating factor for Muslims.
(b) It does not give the opportunity for the ruling of a righteous ruler in Islamic and Arab countries.
(c) damaging government in Islamic countries with bribery, damage and women so that the foundation of the building is separate from the top of the building.
(d) prevent the emergence of soldiers who believe in the rights to their homeland, willing to sacrifice to defend the principle of their homeland.
(e) prevent the formation of Arab unity in the Arab region.
(f) Making a Western country in the middle of the Arab region, starting from Ghaza in the south, to Antokia in the north, then eastward, continuing to the West.
Before concluding the definition of ghazwul fikri, we need to know the four key words and targets of this ghazwul fikri.
1. Ifsadul budpekerti (damaging morals), which is to destroy the ethics and morals of the Muslims so that they are no longer moral in accordance with the ethics and morals of Islamic teachings. Muslims are invaded by a culture of permissivism, hedonism (understand hunting for delicacy of material), love to have fun, let go of instincts without control, exaggeration in satisfying stomach pleasure, uprooting the values of politeness, and shame from men and women.
2. Tahthimul Fikrah (destroying thoughts), which is confusing the understanding of the Muslims by raising various kinds of isms that are foreign and contrary to Islamic teachings, such as: atheism, materialism, communism, liberalism, and others.
3. Idzabatus syakhshiyyah (dissolving personality), that is destabilizing the attitude of the lives of the Muslims so that they are reluctant to take part in the face of evil and even behave mujamalah (basa), tolerant or go along with people who deviate from the values of Islamic teachings. For example with the pretext of human rights, not a few Muslims join in tolerating, even legalizing things that are contrary to religious values. Examples: lesbian, gay, bisecual, and transgander (LGBT).
4. Ar-Riddah (apostate), namely giving up religious obligations, denying them, even going out of religion.
The sasaran of the ghazwul fikri is the changing of Muslim individuals so that they become people who give kafirin al-wala-lil (loyalty and love for those who deny Allah Ta'ala).
From the very beginning, Islam has warned the Muslims to be wary of unbelievers and hypocrites who always try to lead them astray,
وَدُّوا لَوْ تَكْفُرُونَ كَمَا كَفَرُوا فَتَكُونُونَ سَوَاءً فَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا مِنْهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءَ حَتَّى يُهَاجِرُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ
"They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. "(Surat an-Nisa, 4: 89)
From the description above, we can conclude that the understanding of ghazwul fikri is an attack on thoughts, ideas, culture, and propaganda carried out by a nation / civilization to other nations / civilizations so that they experience mental weaknesses and can be mastered for their interests.
That’s all for my speech, maybe useful. I end my session by saying Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Wallahu Allam.
Sekilas Terjemahan Pidato
1. peperangan yang bersifat non fisik sejatinya masih terus berlangsung dan disebut dengan istilah al-ghazwul fikri.
2. Orang yang pertama kali menyadari pentingnya metode gres dalam menaklukkan Islam yaitu Raja Louis IX. Raja Louis IX berkata: ”Tidak mungkin meraih kemenangan atas umat Islam melalui peperangan. Kita hanya akan sanggup mengalahkan mereka, dengan cara sebagai berikut:
3. (a) menimbulkan perpecahan di kalangan pemimpin umat Islam.
4. (b) Tidak memberi peluang berkuasanya seorang penguasa yang shalih
5. (c) merusak pemerintahan di negara-negara Islam dengan suap, kerusakan dan perempuan
6. (d) mencegah munculnya tentara yang meyakini hak atas tanah airnya, rela berkorban demi membela prinsip tanah airnya.
7. (e) mencegah terbentuknya persatuan bangsa Arab di tempat Arab.
8. (f) Membuat sebuah negara Barat di tengah tempat Arab
9. Empat kata kunci dan sasaran dari ghazwul fikri ini.
10. Ifsadul akhlak (merusak akhlak), yaitu memporak-porandakan etika dan moral kaum muslimin sehingga tidak lagi berakhlak sesuai etika dan moral pemikiran Islam.
11. Tahthimul fikrah (menghancurkan pemikiran), yaitu mengacaukan pemahaman kaum muslimin.
12. Idzabatus syakhshiyyah (melarutkan kepribadiaan), yaitu menggoyahkan perilaku hidup kaum muslimin contohnya dengan dalih HAM, muslimin ikut mentolerir contohnya LGBT.
13. Ar-Riddah (murtad), yaitu melepaskan kewajiban agama, mengingkarinya, bahkan keluar dari agama.
No | English | Bindo | No | English | Bindo |
1 | crusade | perang salib | 56 | government | pemerintah |
2 | sense | perasaan | 57 | bribery | suapan |
3 | physical | fisik | 58 | women | perempuan |
4 | warfare | perang salib | 59 | foundation | yayasan/fondasi |
5 | might | mungkin | 60 | building | bangunan |
6 | have | memiliki | 61 | separate | memisahkan |
7 | However | bagaimanapun | 62 | prevent | mencegah |
8 | thing | hal | 63 | emergence | darurat |
9 | realize | menyadari | 64 | homeland | tanah air |
10 | nature | alam | 65 | willing | keinginan |
11 | still | masih | 66 | sacrifice | mengorbankan |
12 | ongoing | terus menerus | 67 | defend | mempertahankan |
13 | today | hari ini | 68 | unity | persatuan |
14 | call | memanggil | 69 | conclude | menyimpulkan |
15 | consist | terdiri | 70 | in accordance with | sesuai dengan |
16 | mean | berarti | 71 | invade | menyerbu |
17 | attack | menyerang | 72 | culture | budaya |
18 | invasion | invansi | 73 | hunting | berburu |
19 | While | saat | 74 | delicacy | kelezatan |
20 | Interpret | menterjemahkan | 75 | instinct | naluri |
21 | person | orang | 76 | exaggeration | pernyataan berlebih |
22 | importance | kepentingan | 77 | satisfying | kepuasan |
23 | conquer | menaklukkan | 78 | stomach | perut |
24 | journey | perjalanan | 79 | pleasure | kesenangan |
25 | everything | segala galanya | 80 | politeness | kesopanan |
26 | became | menjadi | 81 | shame | malu |
27 | destruction | kehancuran | 82 | thoughts | pendapat |
28 | conventional | biasa | 83 | confusing | mengacaukan |
29 | impossible | tidak mungkin | 84 | understanding | pemahaman |
30 | above | di atas | 85 | raising | meningkat |
31 | defeat | kekalahan | 86 | kind | baik |
32 | uproot | menumbangkan | 87 | contrary | kebalikan |
33 | empty | kosong | 88 | such as | seperti |
34 | courage | keberanian | 89 | dissolving | menghancurkan |
35 | trick | tipuan | 90 | destabilizing | menstabilkan |
36 | none | tak seorang pun | 91 | attitude | sikap |
37 | other | yang lain | 92 | reluctant | segan |
38 | than | daripada | 93 | take part | ambil bagian |
39 | doubt | ragu ragu | 94 | behave | berkelakuan |
40 | achieve | mencapai | 95 | deviate | berselisih |
41 | victory | kemenangan | 96 | pretext | dalih |
42 | through | melalui | 97 | human rights | HAM |
43 | able | bisa | 98 | legalizing | melegalkan |
44 | cause | menyebabkan | 99 | apostate | ingkar |
45 | division | divisi | 100 | obligation | kewajiban |
46 | among | di antara | 101 | deny | menyangkal |
47 | leader | pemimpin | 102 | loyalty | kesetiaan |
48 | expand | memperluas | 103 | beginning | awal |
49 | space | ruang | 104 | warn | memperingkatkan |
50 | so that | supaya/agar | 105 | wary | waspada |
51 | dispute | perselisihan | 106 | unbelievers | kafir |
52 | debilitate | melemahkan | 107 | hypocrites | munafik |
53 | opportunity | kesempatan | 108 | try | mencoba |
54 | ruling | menguasai | 109 | weaknesses | kelemahan |
55 | righteous | budiman | 110 | master | menguasai |
111 | interest | minat |