Ilmuguru.org - Pada kesempatan kali ini IG (IlmuGuru) ingin memperlihatkan isu mengenai Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Perguruan Tinggi Swasta SMP Kelas 7 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Semester ganjil Kurikulum 2013 Revisi.
Contoh Soal Perguruan Tinggi Swasta SMP Kelas 7 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Revisi yang kami bagikan ini sudah dalam unsur HOTS, PPK, Literasi dan 4C dari revisi final kurikulum 2013.
Pada artikel kali ini kami bertujuan untuk menjadi sarana mencar ilmu bagi para siswa yang duduk di kursi SMP (SMP) yang sebentar lagi akan menghadapi Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS).
Soal Perguruan Tinggi Swasta SMP Kelas 7 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Revisi, dalam format word, bentuk soal tematik, pilihan ganda, isian dan essay mengakibatkan soal ini begitu komplit yang kami sediakan, menurut kisi-kisi soal.
Berikut ini Contoh Soal Perguruan Tinggi Swasta SMP Kelas 7 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Revisi yang dapat adik-adik pelajari.
1. Norman meets Mr Amran, his English teacher, at 07.00 am. He then greets his teacher with following sentence:
a. Good evening, Sir. How are you?
b. Good day, Sir. How are you?
c. Good afternoon, Sir. How are you?
d. Good morning, Sir. You look very handsome today.
2. Siti’s father comes home in the evening. What will Siti say to his father?
a. Good night, Dad. Have a nice sleep.
b. Where have you been, Dad? I’ve been waiting for you.
c. Good evening, Dad. Let’s have some breakfast.
d. Good evening, Dad. Do you feel tired?
3. My father comes to my room when I’m ready to sleep at nine o’clock in the evening . What will he probably say to me?
a. Good night, Sweetheart. Have a good day.
b. Good evening, Sweetheart. Have a nice sleep.
c. Good morning, Sweetheart. Have a nice trip.
d. Good night, Sweetheart. Have a nice sleep.
4. Sumarno will go to school. He kisess his mother’s hand and say something to her. What will he probably say to his mother?
a. Good morning, Mom. Have a nice day.
b. Good bye mom. Wish me luck.
c. Good night, Mom. Have a nice weekends.
d. Good evening, Mom. Wish me luck.
5. Ani walks home with her friends. When he arrives at his house, what will Ani probably say?
a. Come on guys, don’t be affraid!
b. See you tomorrow, guys.
c. I hate you all, guys.
d. Don’t forget me, guys.
6. Based on question number 5, what will her friends probably say to Ani?
a. No Ani, I’m not affraid.
b. See you, Ani. Take care.
c. We hate you too.
d. No, we will not forget you.
7. Please refer to dialogue below!
Rian: ..................................
Budi: It’s okay, Rian. It was just a game. No problem. It will be recovered soon. Don’t worry!
a. Budi, are you okay?
b. Budi, how are you?
c. I’m really sorry, Budi. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
d. See you tomorrow, Budi.
Please refer to dialogue below to answer question number 8 and number 9!
Doni: Hi, Tarno! How are you?
Tarno: I’m not feeling well, Doni.
Doni: .............. (8). What are you feeling now?
Tarno: ..............(9). I think I’m having headache.
Doni: I think you need to rest.
8. .....
a. I’m really sorry to hear that
b. Get well soon.
c. God bless you
d. Come out and play!
9. .....
a. I’m fine
b. I don’t think so
c. I’m feeling dizzy
d. I’m feeling good
10. Ripto comes to school lately. He then comes to his teacher to ask apology. What will his teacher probably say?
a. That’s fine, Ripto. Now, stand up in front of the class!
b. That’s okay, Ripto. Don’t be late again next time, okay?
c. You better shut your mouth, Ripto!
d. Ripto, how are you today?
11. Teacher: Hi, what is your name?
Marni: I am Marni.
Teacher: .........?
Marni: I’m from Central Java.
a. Where are going?
b. Where do you live?
c. Where do you come from?
d. Where is Tari?
12. Teacher: Hi, what is your name?
Bambang: I am Bambang.
Teacher: .......?
Bambang: I live in Semarang. In Kecamatan Pedurungan
a. Where do you stay?
b. Where are you?
c. Where do you come from?
d. Where do you live?
13. Fajar lives .... Jalan Diponegoro.
a. In
b. On
c. At
d. Under
14. Karyanto lives .... Kecamatan Genuk
a. In
b. On
c. At
d. Under
15. She is Anissa. He lives in Bandung. Her favorite colors .... red and blue
a. Are
b. Am
c. Is
d. Was
16. He is Heru. He lives in Semarang. His favorite food ...... rendang
a. Are
b. Am
c. Is
d. Was
17. Sudarni lives in Jakarta. She goes to public swimming pool twice a week. Sudarni’s hobby is
a. Singing
b. Running
c. Swimming
d. Walking
18. She is Rina. There are three people in her family; Rina, her mother, and her father. Her father wears army uniform when he goes to work. Sudarni’s father is a
a. Soldier
b. Teacher
c. Police officer
d. Lecturer
19. Sumanto has a lot of books. He spends time with his books everyday. Sumanto’s hobby is ....
a. Reading
b. Swimming
c. Walking
d. Running
20. Jumadi’s mother goes to hospital everyday. She takes care of patients. Jumadi’s mother is a ...
a. Soldier
b. Nurse
c. Police officer
d. Lecturer
Ingat Soal ini hanya untuk latihan saja, Ada atau tidaknya dalam ujian yang sebenarnya, kami tidak dapat bertanggung jawab
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